College Essay Guy
Product Strategy & Website Design
How can I increase my bottom line, scale my business, introduce new product offerings, AND strengthen my brand without straying from my core mission to provide college essay coaching for any college-bound student, regardless of their ability to pay?
First, clarify and commit to CEG’s goals. Then, define and prioritize objectives before executing multi-channel, transmedia efforts with precision, curiosity, and adaptability.
12 months / Monthly retainer
- Owned Channel Optimization
- Website design & programing
- Email segmentation, messaging, design & development
- Content marketing strategy
- Google Analytics dashboard development
- Creative Design & Content Development
- Digital ad creative
- Product-level branding
- Direct mail postcards
- Press release development
- Paid Media Campaigns
- Google AdWords
- Facebook Ads
- PR Web Press Release Distribution
- Strategic Marketing Enablement
- Monthly marketing planning & project management
- Product development strategy
- Marketing project workflow & staffing strategies
- Affiliate marketing & partnership development coaching